Miller Innovation Fund


The Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation supports organizing and advocacy for social justice in Eastern Massachusetts. It established the Miller Innovation Fund to complement its grantmaking and explore new approaches in the social sector.

Re-imagining service networks, structures, and pathways for the most vulnerable

The Fund seeks approaches that problem-solve, experiment, and test new ideas that can lead to breakthroughs in serving people that have been poorly engaged, served, or supported by existing institutions. At a more visionary level, the Fund hopes that some projects will help seed an agenda for reform.

This year’s Miller Innovation Fund grants will support work advancing systems change in human service delivery systems. These systems help people navigate difficult and challenging circumstances, such as lack of housing, violence, immigration or refugee status, health care, foster care, disabilities, recovery, mental well-being, or incarceration.

Funding Policy

The Miller Innovation Fund sets a high bar and makes a small number of grants. It uses this working definition of innovation:

An innovation is a new approach to address a problem or need or an approach used to address a unique situation or context which warrants experimental application, learning, or development and which, if successful, has the chance of broader applicability.

The Miller Innovation Fund will support creative organizational thinking, planning, and information collecting rooted in action. Think of the Fund as a research and development resource supporting new services, platforms, products, and organizational forms that do not exist.

The Fund is not in a position to support the following:
• Day-to-day work of organizations
• Supplemental funding for established programs
• Organizational support
• Startup of new organizations

The foundation will reward creativity, experimentation, and a pioneering spirit. Grants will favor applicants who have done their homework and have deep insight and provocative critique about what keeps systems from working well for individuals. Past awards have favored cross-sector partnerships that address human service system pathways capacities such as scale, quality, and comprehensiveness. Many previously funded projects have addressed pathway dimensions of linkages, alignment, and cross-system coordination. The Fund recognizes that practical innovations may come from intermediary organizations, collaborations, networks, and stand-alone organizations.

The Fund expects to make three to five new grants in 2023. Grants will range from $25,000 to $50,000 in the first year of project support. Projects lasting up to three years may be considered, with years two and three awarded based on successful performance.

Applicants must be 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations working in Massachusetts or has a relationship with a fiscal sponsor. Large organizations, academic institutions, national organizations, or consultants may only apply with a community partner as the lead organization.

Grantmaking Timeline
How to Apply:

Step 1 – Prospective applicants are encouraged to join a brief informational call on Wednesday, March 22nd at 1:00pm ET. This call will review the mission and process of the Fund. It will also highlight what it has learned over the years about what makes a compelling application for support. Register for the optional informational call by clicking here.

Step 2 – Applicants can submit 2-3 page concept papers describing the project, its outcomes, and a budget summary. Concept papers must be submitted by Monday, April 17th using the GMA Foundations Online Application System. Use access code innovate23 to submit your concept application.

Step 3 – Based on the concept papers, invited applicants only will submit proposals using the online platform maintained by GMA Foundations by Monday, June 19th deadline.

Step 4 – Applications undergo a rigorous two-stage review. The first level is carried out primarily by program staff, while the second is by the Board. Once the application is reviewed, we will notify the applicants whether they have been awarded a grant. The funds are then dispersed.

Please Note: The Foundation only accepts proposals invited by the trustees. Foundation staff welcome email or phone inquiries. In addition, the Miller Innovation Fund, a program of the Miller Foundation, is not accepting new applications for 2024.



Duey Kol, 617- 391-3074
Prentice Zinn, 617-391-3091